Sunday, October 23, 2011

What the Glacier Dragged In

Unknown Rock, Puget Sound beach
By now you will understand that patrolling the beaches of Puget Sound for unusual stones is one of my favorite spare-time activities. This rock helps explain why. I spent an all-too-short half hour on the beach recently, not finding anything special when this one caught my eye, full of stripes and marbling.  Agate, maybe?  Or something softer like travertine or diatomaceous earth?  I need to test the hardness.

Whatever it is, it is unlike anything I have ever found on the local beaches. Who knows where it's from? My hope, in fact, is that someone somewhere seeing these posted pictures will recognize the rocks from their part of the Northwest. It would be fun to know where the glaciers found them...


  1. Kevin,

    I was having a look at your blog here and ran across this stone that looked very similar to one that I found in Edmonds. I can't figure it out either...

  2. Hey Steve,

    Yes, it definitely looks like its from the same source. Mine was from West Seattle, but they may both have been carried down from who-know's-where. If I can track down what it is, I'll let you know... !
